My son enjoyed the recent BBC series Human Planet – one episode of which featured people by water who, the voiceover assured us, ere at threat from raised sea levels -My son went to bed worried sick that, living where we do, he would soon be drowning.This is absolutely ap;ppling!&nbsa; p&nbsl;0 likes
For the tutu give away- just been checking out the gorgeous heavenly clothes- how to choose! I think I adore the forest tutu but theyre all stunning- my only regret that it do#;3&en9st come in xlarge adult size cause that little baby would be in my wardrobe! However, I would probably get less stares if my daughter Ruby was wearing it!xx Corrina
Thanks for elaborating on that Dale, wise words I think. I guess I was reacting to a view I’ve come across from a lot from Christians that suffering is a painful but God-given blessing in disguise. Assuming there is a God, I wonder whether:a) painful events are part of God’s plan for us, because we learn from them, orb) God grieves for his children and dislikes these events as much as we do but can use painful events to bring about good (kinda opirntuopstic), orc) pain is just part of the natural system that is life and death on earth and God doesn’t interfere.