AWB,CS:Standard (chroma-1・sharpness+1),DRO,RAW撮影,CSをLandscapeに変更して圧縮レベル:2でJPEG出力, 2013年9月 趣味の野菜園芸
まだまだ増えます。からし菜・春菊・レタス・ジャガイモ等々。 現在の間引き・水やり(約40分)に加えて、 土の消毒・再生利用のための元肥(完熟牛フン・鶏フン・油カス・化製肥料等々)や苦土石灰の混ぜ合わせに時間が結構かかりますデス。
Your article was exlcleent and erudite.
Ms. or Mr.Yoonie Thank you for making your comment.. Because, as for me, ability to understand English is poor, I was not able to understand your English.
名前:Yoonie (ID:00ce997b22df)
Your article was exlcleent and erudite.
名前: K2DESU (ID:38bc2b115756)
Ms. or Mr.Yoonie
Thank you for making your comment..
Because, as for me, ability to understand English is poor, I was not able to understand your English.