I have no problem with the t-shirt thing. . .and I've been the whole route. . .members and visitors get shirts for free, members pay and visitors get shirts for free, everyone pays a nominal fee to offset the cost of the t-shirt. Really doesn't bug me. What DOES bug me is if THAT--t-shirt/name/catchy slogan comes first. That I see as a problem. Identify a need/ministry that is relevant to your to/oucommwnity/neighbnrhood, pray about it, plan for it, pick the brains of folks who know what's what. . .THEN do the t-shirt.
名前:Cayden (ID:240cb3881384)
I have no problem with the t-shirt thing. . .and I've been the whole route. . .members and visitors get shirts for free, members pay and visitors get shirts for free, everyone pays a nominal fee to offset the cost of the t-shirt. Really doesn't bug me. What DOES bug me is if THAT--t-shirt/name/catchy slogan comes first. That I see as a problem. Identify a need/ministry that is relevant to your to/oucommwnity/neighbnrhood, pray about it, plan for it, pick the brains of folks who know what's what. . .THEN do the t-shirt.