AWB,CS:Standard (sharpness+1),DRO,RAW撮影・明るさを+0.33EVに明るくして・圧縮レベル:3でJPEG出力 2015年6~7月パリ&ボルド(撮影時刻日本時間:時差-7h)パリ7区エッフェル塔内2 etage(仏式2床)ジュール・ヴェルヌにて
この時期にホワイトアスパラとは???(#28856 #33776)でしたが、 それなりに美味しかったでしたデス・・・。
The Ships’s Vo;esag…yI think know-how just can make it worse. Now there is a channel to under no circumstances treatment, now there wouldn’t be considered a probability for them to find….
名前:Sticky (ID:240cb3881384)
The Ships’s Vo;esag…yI think know-how just can make it worse. Now there is a channel to under no circumstances treatment, now there wouldn’t be considered a probability for them to find….