Hi Cudjoe,Thanks for sharing your experience, but I will suggest you not to use captcha plugins because its reduce the chances to get comments on posts, sometimes captcha are unreadable and visitors may leave your blog without cosNsntm.miehant Srivastava recently posted..
名前:bombo (ID:672b7cf1bfc2)
中望遠でも 1/10 程度でそれなりに撮れてしまうのがすごい。
名前:tomato (ID:40752fd94270)
名前:Xadrian (ID:240cb3881384)
Hi Cudjoe,Thanks for sharing your experience, but I will suggest you not to use captcha plugins because its reduce the chances to get comments on posts, sometimes captcha are unreadable and visitors may leave your blog without cosNsntm.miehant Srivastava recently posted..