AIR DOのB737とANAのB787、
WB:cloud(0),CS:Standard (sharpness+1),DRO,RAW, November, 2012 Paris at Puces de Vanves
(The photography time was local time: Difference in time -8h)パリ・ノミの市
Before #28971
Series :After all I like ability for description by the f level which I squeezed just a little than ability for description with the opening diaphragm of the lens.
(「やっぱり、少し絞った方が好きデス」シリーズ )
For all members of αPhotography, be a good year next year!
From Shigakougen
WB:cloud(0),CS:Standard (sharpness+1),DRO,RAW, November, 2012 Paris at Puces de Vanves
(The photography time was local time: Difference in time -8h)パリ・ノミの市
Because I purchased premium accessories with a value near the asking price of the woman storekeeper without being able to lower the price of me too much, she did an overjoyed face and posed towards my camera.
WB:cloud(0),CS:Standard (sharpness+1),DRO,RAW, November, 2012 Paris at Puces de Vanves
(The photography time was local time: Difference in time -8h)パリ・ノミの市
Series :Those who take a photograph have a photograph taken
(「写真撮る人撮られる人」シリーズ )
By IDCver.4
1. WB ⇒ AWB
2. Brightness ⇒ +1EV
3. A little trimming
4. JPEG of the compression level:1
WB:cloud(0),CS:Standard (sharpness+1),DRO,RAW, November, 2012 Paris at Puces de Vanves
(The photography time was local time: Difference in time -8h)パリ・ノミの市
Self portrait series( 「セルフポートレイト」シリーズ :4 )
By IDCver.4
1. WB ⇒ -300K
2. CS ⇒ Light
3. A little trimming
4. JPEG of the compression level:1
New decision of Self portrait series
1. #6076:Light and shadow (光と影)
2. #8748:In a Lenoir stylez(ルノアール風に)
3. #14662:Self portrait (セルフポートレイト)
I will present series as the series number newly as mentioned above.
( 「セルフポートレイト」シリーズを、上記のように番号づけいたします。 )
I purchased the hat and the muffler for approximately 50 euros in Monoprix along Av. de l’Opera.
When I went along in front of reception desk of the hotel with this appearance, it was called out to with 『Bonjour Momsieur! 』 by the woman of the receptionist which was unsociable till then.