I read some of the info. It can help with seasonal affective disorder (SAD)too? My depression spells seem to hit in winter around the holidays. I wonder I have SAD. We get very little sun in my area during winter. I had such a good summer, no real depression. I am dreading winter. I'm not good at viiazliusng. Would a colored light bulb, or a lava lamp help? Or do I need the full spectrum of light? Keep us posted on the cube, the price and such.
名前:Ronalee (ID:9e5822491e5c)
I read some of the info. It can help with seasonal affective disorder (SAD)too? My depression spells seem to hit in winter around the holidays. I wonder I have SAD. We get very little sun in my area during winter. I had such a good summer, no real depression. I am dreading winter. I'm not good at viiazliusng. Would a colored light bulb, or a lava lamp help? Or do I need the full spectrum of light? Keep us posted on the cube, the price and such.