


29408: Puces de Vanves   

機種名 SLT-A77V
ソフトウェア Image Data Converter
レンズ SONY CarlZeiss Vario-Sonnar T* DT 16-80mm F3.5-4.5 ZA
焦点距離 60 mm
露出制御モード 絞り優先
シャッタースピード 0.012 sec (1/80)
絞り値 f/5.6
露出補正 -0.7
測光モード ハニカムパターン測光
ISO感度 1250
撮影日時 2012-11-17 08:42:54
投稿日時 2012-12-24 09:48:33
撮影場所 Google Mapで撮影場所を表示
タグ paris5

名前: K2DESU

WB:shade(0),CS:Portrait(sharpness+1),DRO,RAW, November, 2012 Paris(The photography time is local time: Difference in time -8h)in the flea market of Vanves

By IDCver.4
1. WB ⇒ Cloud
2. Brightness ⇒ +0.67EV
3. Triming:the wide plot surface to the plot surface long

It was the cold morning after the gentle rain stopped.
But there were unexpectedly many visitors that it was not so difficult to walk. 
