alicia banks, you wrote:why are you pretending that christians are not terrorizing gays with laws?What laws? The anrdniisctimi-ation laws? Or is this some weak cry about gay marriage?
投稿日時:2017-01-27 18:23:03
名前:Dora (ID:240cb3881384)
What an awesome way to explain this-now I know evheytring!
名前:Symona (ID:9e5822491e5c)
alicia banks, you wrote:why are you pretending that christians are not terrorizing gays with laws?What laws? The anrdniisctimi-ation laws? Or is this some weak cry about gay marriage?
名前:Dora (ID:240cb3881384)
What an awesome way to explain this-now I know evheytring!