


29437: Late autumn with a tram and a woman  

機種名 SLT-A77V
ソフトウェア Image Data Converter
レンズ SONY CarlZeiss Vario-Sonnar T* DT 16-80mm F3.5-4.5 ZA
焦点距離 70 mm
露出制御モード 絞り優先
シャッタースピード 0.002 sec (1/400)
絞り値 f/5.6
露出補正 補正無し
測光モード ハニカムパターン測光
ISO感度 1000
撮影日時 2012-11-17 09:45:48
投稿日時 2012-12-28 05:20:01
撮影場所 Google Mapで撮影場所を表示
タグ paris5

名前: K2DESU

WB:cloud(0),CS:Standard (sharpness+1),DRO,RAW ⇒ JPEG of the compression level :2 without changing a parameter
November, 2012 Paris at Puces de Vanves(The photography time was local time: Difference in time -8h)パリ・ノミの市・トラム

The actual photography position is the place of about 200-m northeast from the position displayed by Google Map.
Adress:77, boulevard Brune 75014 Paris
'The place of #23536 of Mr. bombo was the six station west side from the position of this photograph.

I wish that the woman should have been a beauty like the photograph of Mr. bombo.
