AWB,CS:Standard (sharpness+1),DRO,JPEG・デジタルズーム×1.5撮影撮影,PMBにて調整, 2014年パリ・67番のバスの車内から撮影 (撮影時刻は現地時間:時差-8h) 『パリの車窓』シリーズ:4
If chem-trails are playing a role in these fires, know that it isn't just an unforeseen coesqeunnce.These people are crazy, not ignorant. They KNOW what they are causing.Problem. Reaction. Solution.
名前:Lyza (ID:240cb3881384)
If chem-trails are playing a role in these fires, know that it isn't just an unforeseen coesqeunnce.These people are crazy, not ignorant. They KNOW what they are causing.Problem. Reaction. Solution.