WB:cloud(0),CS:Standard (sharpness+1),DRO,RAW, November, 2012 Paris at Puces de Vanves
(The photography time was local time: Difference in time -8h)パリ・ノミの市
Self portrait series( 「セルフポートレイト」シリーズ :4 )
By IDCver.4
1. WB ⇒ -300K
2. CS ⇒ Light
3. A little trimming
4. JPEG of the compression level:1
New decision of Self portrait series
1. #6076:Light and shadow (光と影)
2. #8748:In a Lenoir stylez(ルノアール風に)
3. #14662:Self portrait (セルフポートレイト)
I will present series as the series number newly as mentioned above.
( 「セルフポートレイト」シリーズを、上記のように番号づけいたします。 )
I purchased the hat and the muffler for approximately 50 euros in Monoprix along Av. de l’Opera.
When I went along in front of reception desk of the hotel with this appearance, it was called out to with 『Bonjour Momsieur! 』 by the woman of the receptionist which was unsociable till then.
WB:cloud(0),CS:Standard (sharpness+1),DRO,RAW ⇒ JPEG of the compression level :2 without changing a parameter
November, 2012 Paris at Puces de Vanves
(The photography time was local time: Difference in time -8h)パリ・ノミの市
『 La Porte Didot 』, Adress:77, boulevard Brune 75014 Paris, #29439
I wish I could visit next time at the time of HAPPY HOUR.
WB:cloud(0),CS:Standard (sharpness+1),DRO,RAW, November, 2012 Paris at Puces de Vanves
(The photography time was local time: Difference in time -8h)パリ・ノミの市
The actual photography position is the place of about 30-m southwest from the position displayed by Google Map.
『 La Porte Didot 』, Adress:77, boulevard Brune 75014 Paris
By IDCver.4
1.Brightness ⇒ +0.5EV
2.CS ⇒ Landscape
3.Compensation of inclination ⇒ -1.5degrees
4.JPEG of the compression level:1
In the middle of a flea market visit, it was the cafe in which we dropped in.
WB:cloud(0),CS:Standard (sharpness+1),DRO,RAW ⇒ JPEG of the compression level :2 without changing a parameter
November, 2012 Paris at Puces de Vanves(The photography time was local time: Difference in time -8h)パリ・ノミの市・トラム
The actual photography position is the place of about 200-m northeast from the position displayed by Google Map.
Adress:77, boulevard Brune 75014 Paris
'The place of #23536 of Mr. bombo was the six station west side from the position of this photograph.
I wish that the woman should have been a beauty like the photograph of Mr. bombo.
WB:cloud(0),CS:Standard (sharpness+1),DRO,RAW, November, 2012 Paris at Puces de Vanves
(The photography time was local time: Difference in time -8h)パリ・ノミの市・トラム
Adress:77, boulevard Brune 75014 Paris
'The place of #23536 of Mr. bombo was the six station west side from the position of this photograph.
By IDCver.4
1. CS ⇒ Landscape
2. JPEG of the compression level:2
Does the man who wears the glasses which are in a left end seem to have roared out 『 dangerous ! 』?
WB:cloud(0),CS:Portrait (sharpness+1),DRO,RAW, November, 2012 Paris at Puces de Vanves
(The photography time was local time: Difference in time -8h)パリ・ノミの市
By IDCver.4
1. CS ⇒ Deep
2. JPEG of the compression level:1
The storekeeper's price asked was 70 euros.
Since it was indicated as 68 euros by penciling to the end of the book,
I was able to beat down the price and buy 50 euros.
However, the weight of the book was no less than 3 kg.
It was very difficult for me to bring this book and to return to the hotel.
WB:cloud(0),CS:Portrait (sharpness+1),DRO,RAW ⇒ JPEG of the compression level :2 without changing a parameter
November, 2012 Paris at Puces de Vanves(The photography time was local time: Difference in time -8h)パリ・ノミの市
Although I was planning on the return way to purchase this book for Mr. Nekoppati,
I was not able to find the store which was exhibiting this book in the way back.
WB:cloud(0),CS:Portrait (sharpness+1),DRO,RAW, November, 2012 Paris at Puces de Vanves
(The photography time wais local time: Difference in time -8h)パリ
By IDCver.4
1.WB ⇒ Sun+300K
2.Brightness ⇒ +0.5EV
3.A little trimming
4.JPEG of the compression level 1
WB:cloud(0),CS:Portrait (sharpness+1),DRO,RAW, November, 2012 Paris at Puces de Vanves
(The photography time wais local time: Difference in time -8h)パリ
By IDCver.4
1.Brightness ⇒ -0.33EV
2.A little trimming
3.JPEG of the compression level 1
名前:ミントキャンディ (ID:6ab20e957197)
名前:K2DESU (ID:9100cc89c089)
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